1) Lifeboat, Rescue Boat, Davit, Winch
PT. BHINEKA BAHARI JAYA telah tersertifikasi dengan national approval & maker approval untuk Lifeboat/Rescue boat & Davit Inspection. Tenaga ahli kami telah terlatih untuk melakukan annual inspection & five-yearly inspection dan service berbagai macam type dan merk/manufacture sesuai dengan ketentuan MSC.1/ Circ. 1206 and 1277 regulations.

Lifeboat / Rescue Boat & Davit (Gravity & Free-Fall Lifeboat)
Annual Inspection of Life Boat, Rescue Boat, Davit & Winch.
5-yearly Inspection / Load Test of Life Boat, Rescue Boat, Davit & Winch.
Hook Modification (Maker Approval)
Inspection of life boat air cylinder. (Refilling, recharging, hydro test and painting if needed)
Refurbish Lifeboat
2) Inflatable Liferaft
PT. BHINEKA BAHARI JAYA telah tersertifikasi dengan national approval & maker approval untuk Inflatable Liferaft. Tenaga ahli kami telah terlatih untuk inspection berbagai macam type & merk liferaft sesuai dengan ketentuan IMO A 761 (18).

Working Pressure Test (WP Test)
Gas Inflation Test (GI Test)
Floor Seam Test (FS Test)
Necessary Additional Pressure Test (NAP Test)
Davit Launch Load Test
Penggantian & supply Material equipment for Inflatable Liferaft
Rental Inflatable Liferaft
3) Fire Fighting & LSA Equipment
Tenaga ahli kami telah berpengalaman di industry marine & offshore. Kami menyediakan service, inspection berbagai macam type & merk/manufacture untuk fire fighting & LSA Equipment.
Fire Fighting & LSA Equipment :
Inspection, refill, hydrotest Portable & Trolley Fire Extinguisher.
Inspection, refill, hydrotest SCBA (Self-containing breathing apparatus) SET & Cylinder.
Inspection, refill, hydrotest EEBD (Emergency escape breathing device) SET & Cylinder.
Inspection, refill, hydrotest MO (Medical oxygen resuscitator) SET & Cylinder.
Inspection, Leak test / Pressure test Immersion Suit.
Inspection, Leak test / Pressure test Life Jacket.
Inspection Air Quality Test for BA Compressor.
Fixed Systems :
Fixed High & Low CO2 Systems. (CO2 5-yearly Main valve inspection and 10-yearly renewal of flexible hoses.)
Fixed Galley CO2 System.
Fixed Galley Wet Chemical.
Fixed Foam Systems.

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